Midlife Revolution: Transform Your Body and Mind in 90 Days

Midlife Revolution is designed for people like you who are ready to make a powerful transformation in just 90 days,

The Mid-Age Body Transformation for Men & Women is a unique Coaching program that helps mid-age men and women to lose fat, gain energy/libido and muscles in 90 days without a complicated nutrition plan, tough exercise program, and stress so you can get the body and please of mind you always wanted

"The best investment I have ever made! My whole health is transformed and I am happer than I have ever been. I am full of energy, I sleep like a baby, I love what I see in the mirror and I have plan on how to stay this way. This program and Ronny´s coaching is truly transformational".



"Ronny's program and coaching has completely changed our life. We have lost excessive body fat, we have more energy, much better libido and we both sleep better. We recommend this course to everyone that wants improvement of their body and mind".

Steve & Sandra


Course Summary

With over 34 years of experience in coaching individuals to reach their health goals, I have created this program for you to be able to optimize your health and live your best life. Not only to feel good and be health now, but also how to slow down aging and have a high quality of life for as long as possible

Ronny Kvist

Human Performance specialist, author and a renown international keynote speaker. Ronny has worked for 34 years in the sports, health and wellness industry serving people to optimize their health and performance. His true passion is to teach and coach people to reach their true potential. He has coached everything from professional athletes to everyday people to reach their goals. For more than 15 years, Ronny certified and educated personal trainers and nutritionists

Human Performance-specialist, författare och en känd internationell huvudtalare. Ronny har arbetat i 34 år inom sport-, hälso- och friskvårdsbranschen för att hjälpa människor att optimera sin hälsa och prestation. Hans sanna passion är att lära och coacha människor att nå sin sanna potential. Han har coachat allt från professionella idrottare till vanliga människor för att nå sina mål. I mer än 15 år har Ronny certifierat och utbildat personliga tränare och nutritionister